Wednesday, November 9, 2011

That was supposed to be my life.

It is an unsettling feeling to discover that a stranger has been living your life for the last 3 years and you knew nothing about it.

I wanted him.  I wanted to be with him.
I wanted a home, and a family, and a love and a life with him.
I wanted him.

And she had everything I wanted.  She had him.  She shared a home, and a family, and a bed and a life with him.  She had everything because she had him.
And she didn't want him.

But he didn't want me.  Until he was no longer wanted by her.

Irony is a cruel, cruel master.  My heart is flawed, and my spine of all sensitivity has been wrought under the pain of delusion. 

They say I am young, that there is a forest yet for me to trek.  But truly, tonight, I feel that it is not better to have loved and lost than never loved at all.  Sometimes it is better we had never met at all.